As we approach the November elections, it’s important to recognize and appreciate the balanced, dedicated leadership that ...
Nobody likes paying taxes, but everyone likes the services our taxes fund. We need to know that we’re getting the best value ...
I hope all will join me and support Dr Michelle Ku for 106th State Representative on November 5. Michelle and her family have ...
It never ceases to amaze me the response time when I call the Newtown Police Department. During the past 25 years, we’ve seen ...
Republicans currently control the House of Representatives with a slim majority, and they are proving that they either can’t ...
I have heard some disturbing news about Harris/Walz signs being defaced with profanity or stolen off of people’s lawns in ...
The Registrar of Voters is easing the concerns of residents who are worried after receiving mail listed as from Election Mail ...
I am proud to endorse Mitch Bolinsky for State Representative. His tireless dedication to the well-being of seniors and their ...
It is my pleasure to endorse Mitch Bolinsky for re-election to the Connecticut State Legislative District 106 from Newtown.
Speeding and aggressive driving escalated during the pandemic. The increasing number of vehicles on the roadways has made ...
On Wednesday, the chairmen of both the Republican Town Committee and the Democratic Town Committee released a joint statement regarding vandalized and stolen political signs. From both NDTC Chair ...
When you sit down to select our next State Representatives this coming Election Day, please consider voting for Mitch Bolinsky. Mitch has a proven history of serving our community. He ...