Sri Gopalarya Mahadesikan, more famously known as Srimad Thirukkudanthai Desikan, was born in 1700 CE in the village of Rayampettai, located in the Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu, India. His birth ...
The ancient Hindu teaching that "The good humans are occupied in benefiting others" is deeply rooted in the philosophy of selfless service, compassion, and altruism. This principle is not just a moral ...
Undergoing surgery can be a daunting experience, filled with anxiety and uncertainty. In times like these, many find solace in spiritual practices. In Hinduism, praying to deities such as Lord Shiva, ...
In Hinduism, Lord Shiva is often worshipped for a successful and happy marriage, as he is considered the epitome of a perfect husband, especially in his union with Goddess Parvati. Praying to Lord ...
In Hinduism, gratitude is deeply ingrained in spiritual practices and philosophical teachings. The essence of being thankful is viewed not only as a moral obligation but also as a spiritual path ...
In Hinduism, feeding a cow is considered a highly auspicious act with deep spiritual significance. Cows hold a revered status as symbols of nourishment, abundance, and purity, embodying the Earth ...
Pleasing Lord Kal Bhairav: Since Lord Bhairav is often depicted with a dog as his companion, feeding dogs is believed to invoke the blessings of Kal Bhairav. It protects against negative energies, ...
In Hinduism, feeding bananas to cows is considered a highly virtuous act. Cows hold a sacred status in the religion, revered as "Gau Mata" (Mother Cow), symbolizing motherhood, sustenance, and ...
In Hinduism, forgiveness is considered a powerful virtue, deeply rooted in the teachings of dharma (righteousness) and karma (action and consequence). The practice of forgiveness offers a ...
In Hinduism, the term "Maya" is used to describe the illusory nature of the world. According to this concept, the world we perceive with our senses is not the ultimate reality but an illusion created ...
Definition: Pratyaksha is the direct, firsthand experience of reality. In Hindu philosophy, this is considered the most reliable source of knowledge. Implication: Knowledge gained through personal ...
The story of Mahiravana and boon given to him by Goddess Mahamaya is an intriguing tale from the Indian epic, the Ramayana. It highlights themes of devotion, boons, and the triumph of good over evil.