Renowned filmmaker, Guillermo del Toro is determined to adapt Naoki Urasawa's Monster into a live-action series despite ...
Acclaimed mecha anime Neon Genesis Evangelion is not just a coming-of-age story, but it also reckons with one of animation's ...
Netflix has been expanding its anime collection these last few years, and these are the best series the streamer has to offer.
McDonald’s Japan has collaborated with the iconic anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion as part of its unique marketing ...
McDonald's Japan is about to make January even more exciting for both fast food and Neon Genesis Evangelion fans. Starting on ...
Anime delves into mental health issues, offering solace through relatable characters and heartfelt stories of growth and ...
(Image via X/@McDonaldsJapan) The Evangelion burger collaboration between McDonald’s Japan and the popular anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion has introduced three special burgers. The ...
Shift Up's two biggest titles will soon crossover as 'Stellar Blade's Eve joins the fight against the Rapture in 'Goddess of Victory: Nikke'.
New hamburgers and sandwiches inspired by the Evangelion anime will arrive to McDonald’s Japan on January 6, 2025.
McDonald’s Japan continues to show its love of anime, this time with Neon Genesis Evangelion. Check out its funny advertising ...
The anime world has never shied away from creating some mind-bending crossovers in the past, but this current collaboration might just take the cake. While we have written about how Evangelion’s NERV ...
With a few days left until New Year, McDonald’s Japan has announced the launch of three burgers that will be available from January 6, 2025.