In response to these events, Telegram announced updates aimed at curtailing the misuse of its service. Durov, defending the integrity of his platform, stated that Telegram had updated its terms of ...
Telegram is making changes to its privacy stance, weeks after CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France and after years of ...
After his arrest, the Russian-born promised changes and said that "establishing the right balance between privacy and ...
Telegram will hand users’ internet IP addresses and phone numbers to authorities with “valid legal requests” such as search ...
Messaging platform Telegram is making some new concessions around safety and user privacy after the arrest of its founder and ...
Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, announced the policy updates on his Telegram channel yesterday. According to ...
Top Indian insurer Star Health has sued Telegram and a self-styled hacker after Reuters reported that the hacker was using ...
With X appointing a Brazil representative and paying fines and Telegram complying with orders to give up details on "bad ...
The messaging app Telegram will forward to law enforcement authorities the IP addresses and phone numbers of users who ...
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, facing charges in France, has agreed to provide user data, including “IP addresses and phone ...
Telegram is undergoing significant changes and it has confirmed that it will share user data with governments in response to ...
Messaging app Telegram will provide users’ IP addresses and phone numbers to relevant authorities in response to valid legal ...