GENEVA: Europe’s physics lab CERN said Sunday that some 500 scientists linked to Russian institutes will be affected when it ...
GENEVA: Europe’s physics lab CERN said on Sunday that some 500 scientists linked to Russian institutes will be affected when it stops cooperation with Russia in late November as planned. CERN’s ...
Cern, the particle physics lab researching the smallest building blocks of the universe, is facing a new challenge.
Bud­get 2024 is up­on us and every­one wants to know what the econ­o­mists have to say. Is it go­ing to be a belt tight­en­ing or good­ies bud­get? Will we hear de­fin­i­tive de­ci­sions on in­creased ...
In many of the last nine bud­get pre­sen­ta­tions, Fi­nance Min­is­ter Colm Im­bert has paid at­ten­tion to the fu­el sub­sidy.
CERN Director-General Fabiola Gianotti is looking at new ways to fund research that spans the invisible dark matter ...
CERN, the particle physics lab researching the smallest building blocks of the universe, is facing a new challenge: how to ...