South Dakota’s $825 million prison project in rural Lincoln County faces legislative and legal hurdles as the proposed site and price tag come under fire.
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) - Ten South Dakota organizations have joined together to try to defeat five bills they claim will negatively impact the state’s ballot initiative process. Those bills are House ...
"A prison, like a jail, is a necessary government function, and it must be located somewhere," a state circuit judge ruled.
South Dakota's four-year process to address the state's correctional needs evolved into a plan to build a new men's prison on ...
"In a very challenging time, with high school graduation numbers down in South Dakota, higher education continues to thrive ...
South Dakota Resolution 6008 would support the effort to bring Amtrak passenger rail service to the state. This resolution does not seek any state funding to support the service in South Dakota.
The number of farms and ranches in South Dakot stayed the same from 2023 to 2024, according to the U.S. Department of ...
House Resolution 6008 is “Supporting the effort to bring Amtrak passenger rail service to the state.” The resolution does not ...
Supporters Gov. Larry Rhoden and former Gov. Kristi Noem insisted the nearly 150-year-old SD State Penitentiary in Sioux ...
[9] These maps took effect for South Dakota's 2022 legislative elections ... State statutes "ask that districts protect communities of interest and respect geographical and political boundaries." ...