The vast network of characters featured across Star Wars‘ nine main saga movies and five Disney+ shows provide plenty of promising candidates on which the franchise could base future TV series. Ever ...
“The songs of eons past foretold of the Mythosaur rising up to herald a new age of Mandalore,” she says. “Sadly, it only exists in legends.” But that might not be true, according to the ...
Gideon informs them about the Mandalorians’ plans to take back their home planet of Mandalore, while also questioning the whereabouts of Admiral Thrawn, a very notable bad guy in the Star Wars ...
Mandalore is one of the most compelling worlds in the Star Wars galaxy, a land steeped in lore, tradition, and endless conflict. From the elegance of Duchess Satine Kryze’s pacifist regime to the ...
That tactic includes mentioning the traumatic detail that Ezra Bridger is someone Sabine considers to be the last of her family – since her actual family died on Mandalore – then twisting the ...