and they will all appear at Preston Magistrates' Court on March 28. Joe Anderson became the first directly elected mayor of Liverpool in 2012, and served until 2021. Veteran Labour politician ...
Earl Taylor, 70, lost by that razor-thin margin a little more than two years ago but has now been named to the seat to ...
Former Liverpool mayor Joe Anderson and former city politician Derek Hatton are among 12 people charged with bribery and ...
Former Liverpool mayor Joe Anderson and former city politician Derek Hatton are among 12 people charged with bribery and ...
Former Liverpool mayor Joe Anderson has been charged with bribery and misconduct relating to council contracts, along with 11 ...
Police said charges come "following an extensive investigation (Operation Aloft) connected to the awarding of commercial and ...
Mary Jo Rossi is known for making winners out of political candidates, but on Thursday the FBI made a surprise visit to her ...
Former Liverpool mayor Joe Anderson and former deputy council leader Derek Hatton are among 12 people who have been charged ...
Former Liverpool mayor Joe Anderson is among 12 ... commit offences and includes former city politician Derek Hatton. The dozen are due to appear in Preston Magistrates Court on March 28 and ...
Former Liverpool mayor Joe Anderson and city politician Derek Hatton have been ... conspiracy to commit bribery They will all appear at Preston Magistrates' Court on 28 March.
FORMER Labour mayor Joe Anderson and city politician Derek Hatton have been charged with bribery and misconduct relating to ...