Cern, the particle physics lab researching the smallest building blocks of the universe, is facing a new challenge.
Dubbed by some media outlets as 'the death machine' when it first launched, the 17-mile, 100m deep tunnel is beneath Geneva.
Scientists want to build a 90km Future Circular Collider to study the Higgs boson particle. At an estimated cost $17 billion, ...
For the first time, physicists at CERN confirmed quantum entanglement between top and anti-top quarks during proton ...
Large Hadron Collider has ended W boson fever. "We have to search for new physics elsewhere," one researcher says.
In an article recently published in Physical Review X, the ALICE collaboration presented its studies of correlations in the ...
Physicists report the first observations of quantum entanglement in top and anti-top quarks, the heaviest known fundamental ...
CERN has been an epicenter of scientific breakthroughs since 1954, including the discovery of the Higgs boson. Scientists ...
CERN has been an epicentre of scientific breakthoughs for 70 years. Scientists hope to resolve yet moe mysteries of the ...
In a significant scientific achievement, the CMS experiment has verified the mass of the W boson with remarkable accuracy, ...