The assassination plot against Bolton was “likely” in retaliation for the US killing of IRGC commander Qassem Soleimani in ...
An investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) found that a police department in the majority Black city of Lexington, ...
The Biden administration has announced its latest infusion of more than $2.7 billion in weapons for Ukraine and the promise ...
The U.S. State Department is offering a $20 million reward to track down an Iranian national who tried to pay to have former ...
Decades of data show nitrate levels in rivers often drop during dry years and spike when rain returns. Experts say more ...
United States Attorney Damian Williams toppled political giants well before he announced the criminal indictment against New York City Mayor Eric Adams.
Experts believe schemes like this will become more common now that the technical barriers that once existed around generative ...
Government restitution efforts have reportedly recovered more than $50 million from the Feeding Our Future scandal, according ...
The F.B.I. is also investigating the large chain of psychiatric hospitals for holding patients longer than what is medically ...
Attorneys and lawmakers want city officials to reinspect a 36-story Turkish consulate building in Manhattan that, according ...
Failing to investigate Eygi’s killing “gives Israeli forces unacceptable license to act with impunity,” they said.
The U.S. Department of Justice and civil rights organizations sued to stop the Iowa law, which would allow state law enforcement to arrest and force the removal of immigrants in Iowa if they had ...