South Africa has a massive infrastructure problem. Roads, electricity supply and water management are just three areas in which there is mounting evidence of collapse and decay. This is true for big ...
But have you ever thought about how people in different cultures perceive wisdom? Does someone in Morocco view a wise person in the same way as someone in Ecuador? Our recent study explored how people ...
Hezbollah’s leadership ranks have been decimated, but it has the capacity to re-establish itself. It also reportedly has an arsenal of 150,000 rockets, missiles and drones it can use to strike back.
Today we removed an article titled “Should we ditch big exam halls? Our research shows how high ceilings are associated with a lower score”, because the original research has been retracted.
Was there anything Prime Minister Mia Mottley didn't cover in her address to the United Nations' General Assembly?
Does Hezbollah represent Lebanon? And what impact will the death of longtime leader Hassan Nasrallah have?
Le monde a connu des guerres meurtrières, maints conflits et surtout des vagues de dépenses militaires quantitatives et qualitatives qui ont atteint des sommets colossaux. Le modèle de référence qui s ...
A la tribune de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies, le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères, Sergueï Lavrov, s’en est pris samedi aux Etats-Unis et à leurs alliés, reprochant au camp occidental ...
A la tribune de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies, le ministre des Affaires étrangères de la Chine, Wang Yi, a salué samedi l’émergence des pays du Sud global et estimé que l’époque où une ...
Saudi Arabian authorities have put to death over 198 individuals so far in 2024, the highest number of executions recorded in the country since 1990, Amnesty International said today. Despite repeated ...