Definition: Pratyaksha is the direct, firsthand experience of reality. In Hindu philosophy, this is considered the most reliable source of knowledge. Implication: Knowledge gained through personal ...
In Hinduism, the term "Maya" is used to describe the illusory nature of the world. According to this concept, the world we perceive with our senses is not the ultimate reality but an illusion created ...
The story of Mahiravana and boon given to him by Goddess Mahamaya is an intriguing tale from the Indian epic, the Ramayana. It highlights themes of devotion, boons, and the triumph of good over evil.
In Hinduism, the term "Pratima" refers to an image, statue, or sculpture that represents a deity or divine figure. The use of Pratima in Hindu worship and temples carries profound symbolism and ...
The relationship between Shabari and Sri Rama in the Ramayana is a profound example of devotion, humility, and divine grace. Here are some key lessons derived from their interaction: Unconditional ...
Hinduism, one of the oldest and most diverse religions in the world, encompasses a vast array of deities and traditions. Among the numerous gods worshipped, Shiva and Vishnu stand out as two of the ...
The ancient Hindu teaching, "That which helps the needy is true wealth," encapsulates a timeless wisdom that transcends eras, cultures, and economic systems. This principle, deeply embedded in Hindu ...
Overcoming grief is a deeply personal and challenging journey that affects every aspect of one’s being. In Hinduism, there are various teachings, practices, and scriptures that provide guidance for ...
The saying "Speech is the ultimate jewel" reflects the profound understanding in Hindu philosophy of the power and sanctity of words. In Hinduism, speech (often referred to as Vāk in Sanskrit) is not ...
Advaita Vedanta and Buddhist philosophy are two profound schools of thought that have significantly shaped the spiritual landscape of India and the world. Both offer unique perspectives on the nature ...
In Hindu cosmology, Rasatala is one of the seven lower worlds (Patala Lokas) that exist beneath the earth. The fourteen worlds are divided into seven upper realms (Vyahrtis or Lokas) and seven lower ...
Neem Karoli Baba, also known as Neeb Karori Baba or Maharaj-ji, was a revered Indian saint and spiritual master who inspired many followers around the world, including notable Westerners like Ram Dass ...