In the world of the 1978 comedy classic National Lampoon's Animal House, we know garage rock is OK, as evidenced by John Belushi, as Bluto Blutarsky, belting out "Louie Louie." Rhythm and blues/soul ...
Fans loved the smooth sounds of jazz and catchy doo-opp tunes of the 1950s. This list includes the biggest artists of the ...
Vandello's sound runs the gamut. The Swisher-based band, which will return Saturday night to the CSPS Hall in Cedar Rapids, ...
The musicians who inspired a young Elvis Presley, a nuclear-powered dream, the world of early Christians and more.
The caravan of blues superstars is stopping off at Jamey’s for an over-the-top night of killer blues music on their way to the IBC in Memphis. This show will be a mind-blowing tour de force at their ...
Lindsey Buckingham's guitar playing was at the heart of Fleetwood Mac's success. But what are his favourite guitar riffs?
The Who was once called the "loudest band in the world." But what inspired them to start this decibel war in the first place?
On the eve of the tenth anniversary of Pino Daniele's death, 'Il Mattino' offers thirty more invitations to see 'Musicanti', ...
The general theme with these shapes is the dominant 7th sound, which is essentially a major chord plus a b7th. This is a ...
Shayna Goldman says to buy Logan Thompson while you still can. Quinton Byfield offers versatility with Kings; his slow start ...
The Memphis landmark where Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and Howlin’ Wolf recorded turns 75 on Friday.
On their latest album The Human Fear, Franz Ferdinand manage to find new ways of giving their audacious sound a shake while ...