The study, published in Frontiers in Communication, suggested that despite progress in equality and diversity - including ...
A University of Cambridge study, in collaboration with Nottingham Trent University, sought to understand people’s perceptions ...
Research led by the University of Cambridge, in collaboration with Nottingham Trent University, raises serious concerns about ...
“As things stand, listeners think some accents sound guiltier than others and we should all be concerned about that.” ...
Participants were asked to judge people based on their accents alone to determine how likely they were to commit crimes or do ...
Speaking in a scouse accent means you are more likely to be deemed a criminal, according to a new study identifying which ...
Accents perceived as lower status are more likely to influence judgments of guilt and credibility in the justice system, ...
Study ‘undermines traditional stereotypes’ about working class and higher status men when it comes to criminal tendancies ...
Alice Paver, from the University of Cambridge’s Phonetics Laboratory and Jesus College, Cambridge. “Voices play a powerful role in the criminal justice system and police officers, lawyers and ...
British accents can vary hugely — and face positive or negative stereotypes. Listen to these five British accents and see if ...
Scientists studying the dynamics involved in voice identity parades show that the accent-based assumptions people make about behaviors or values also translate into assumptions about how likely a ...