WASHINGTON, April 17, 1961 (UPI) -- Secretary of State Dean Rusk said today the anti-Castro invasion of Cuba ... son of the top Cuban exile leader in the United States.The radio broadcast ...
In late 1960 the disaffection became so widespread the DRE leadership left Cuba and set up exile headquarters in ... the world generating support for anti-Castro movements and publishing ...
But there is another Miami—the magnet for refugees from Fidel Castro’s Cuba, Nicholás Maduro ... To this day, the last surviving exile brigade, Alpha 66, still stands at the ready, waiting ...
The US Air Force was meant to protect the exiles. Castro’s troops defeated the Cuban exile army. By 20th April, the exiles were either dead or in prison.
Sadly, Díaz-Balart is yet another Cuban exile outlived by the communist Castro regime, which today remains in power after 66 years. His life was emblematic of the Cuban exile experience — a ...