Dominic and the Ladies Purse, a Malayalam mystery thriller starring Mammootty, directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon, releases on. The film brings together an ensemble cast and captivating visuals, with ...
Gautham Vasudev Menon's debut Malayalam film, Dominic and the Ladies Purse, headlined by Mammootty is set to hit the screens ...
#Mammootty #Dominicandtheladiespurse.” One person believed that the climax was ‘unexpected’ writing, “#DominicAndTheLadiesPurse This movie excels in its way to make people entertained and ...
The superstar is apparently doing a full-fledged role alongside ... it was a couple of days ago that Megastar Mammootty announced his big-budget movie with director Mahesh Narayanan, which has ...
73-year-old Mammootty is the star of the film in every sense and has delivered a stellar performance in this average investigative thriller. If there is a sequel to Dominic and the Ladies’ Purse, one ...