Yet there is a richness to this desolation. These same haunting buttes draw 900,000 people a year to Badlands National Park, the heart of the landscape. Most come to drive along the Wall ...
Badlands National Park is a vast wilderness of jagged buttes, spires and pinnacles, mixed-grass prairies, and the world’s richest trove of fossils from the Oligocene epoch, estimated at 23 to 35 ...
There are only eight developed hiking trails in Badlands National Park but the entire 244,000 acres of the park are open ...
The rebellious Badlands National Park Twitter account went rogue in January, fighting the president's climate change denial by sharing environmental facts. We've now learned that in addition to ...
Thanks to its tweets on climate change, Golden Gate was hailed as a beacon of resistance shining from within the federal government itself alongside Badlands National Park's Twitter account.