New Jersey, offshore wind energy
The nuclear power industry is set to add ‘gigawatts upon gigawatts’ of capacity heading into the 2030s, while offshore wind ...
When you click on “Accept all”, you consent to ads on this site being customized to a personal profile we or our advertising ...
Soaring AI-fueled demand for power across the US has yet to trickle down to the fledgling offshore wind industry, renewable ...
The number of companies planning to bid on a chance to develop a floating offshore wind project off the Oregon coast has been ...
At least one company is no longer interested in bidding on a chance to develop a floating offshore wind project off the ...
Boston area electricity prices were 64% above the national average last month, federal data show, and Massachusetts abandoned ...
At an American floating offshore wind conference in Portland this week, developers and investors' confidence in the future of ...
California might or might not avoid environmental disasters from wind turbines. That’s unknown. But some risks are now known ...
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management will hold an auction for areas off Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts coasts.
Alinta and Parkwind awarded first feasibility licence in Southern Ocean offshore wind zone for 1.2 GW project that could help ...
The Wind Hammer is engineered to drive larger piles in tougher environments and install longer piles in deeper waters, to ...